Red Gate Campground
Savannah, Georgia
We arrived in Savannah fairly early yesterday and decided to go down to the historic district before dinner. The large oak trees in the public squares and the architecture
of the restored houses were gorgeous.
This is a "Your Choice" police cruiser. If you have been drinking, you can use the yellow door and for $20 you will receive a ride home. If you are caught driving under the influence, you use the white door (front seat) and pay an $1800 fine.
At the end of the day we were exploring City Market and looking for an interesting place for dinner when it started to rain - and I mean RAIN. We got back to the camper as quickly as possible. Before morning, between 6 3/4" and 10 1/2" fell in Savannah. Do you have any idea how long a bath towel takes to dry after a shower when you get 10" of rain? I am desperate enough that I may have to get the hair dryer out tomorrow.
Today we made a side trip to Charleston to see Ft. Sumter. We visited some other historic sites in the area before starting back to the camper. About 5 miles from Savannah it started to RAIN and it has continued all through the evening. I hope the camper doesn't sink into the ground during the night. Tomorrow we are heading inland and hopefully away from all this humidity.
10" of rain? Holy cow. I'm surprised you haven't floated away yet. It's really hard to do much sight seeing in the rain. We really had fun exploring Fr. Sumter when we were there. Be safe.