Tilly's RV Park
Oronoco, Minnesota
Once we arrived in the Rochester area, most of our time was spent with family and friends. It has been a long time since we have spent so much time at playgrounds and parks. Our last day in Rochester we went to the Spam Museum in Austin.
The kids had a great time even if they had never heard of Spam. It is rather difficult to explain Spam to a 3 year old.
Thoran spent most of his time in the kitchen. Since I don't like to cook, I think it would be wonderful to have a chef in the family someday.
Today is our first day back on the road in a while. Troy is traveling with us as we head east to Washington DC and Delaware. Tomorrow we will go to the Lincoln sites in Springfield, IL.
Take Troy to the Caterpillar museum. He'd love it and it's geared at kids too.