Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Bats and Caverns

June 19, 2019
Mathis RV Park
Mathis, Texas

Image result for bats
A few nights ago we drove an hour, waited another hour to see the bat flight and then drove another hour back to the camper.  The bats emerged from the cave entrance and circled over us before flying away. Dave was a little concerned about this so he wore a hat to prevent bat poop from hitting his head. We were so exhausted that we had to stop at Sonic for 1/2 price milk shakes on the way back.

The next day we spent time in Carlsbad Caverns exploring this beautiful natural wonder. 
Troy was impressed that it was made by nature and no one carved it.  We went down about 800 feet but then had to go back up the 800 feet.  I wish we could have gone downhill both ways.

We have spent the last two days driving across Texas.  Finally tomorrow we will arrive at South Padre Island for a stay of several days. Hope it cools off some.  It was about 100 today.


  1. Takes forever to drive anywhere in Texas. Was the bat show worth it?

  2. It was something to see once. I don't think it is one of those things I would do again and again.
