Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Turtles and Too Many Ladders

June 25, 2019
Southern Oaks
Aransas Pass, Texas

This morning we were up at 4 am to make the hour and a half drive to Padre Island to see the sea turtle hatchlings release. 

Unlike the bat flight this one was really worth it.

Baby turtles are so much cuter than the bats. 

The rangers and some volunteers held netting over the turtles so they had a better chance of making it to the sea.  The people in the surf with the orange flags were chasing the birds away.  Everyone cheered when the last turtle made it into the water.

On our way back to the camper we stopped to tour the USS Lexington.

Dave wanted to show Troy how large an aircraft carrier was.  I think the thing that Troy was the most impressed about was all the ladders between the floors.  He said he would never join the Navy because his legs would wear out.  

If a 9 year old was tired can you imagine how worn out two people in their 70s were?

While we were standing in front of the Blue Angel plane on the flight deck, I was mentally trying to figure out how many more ladders I had to climb to reach the bridge.

We survived the USS Lexington and tomorrow we will head to Houston.

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