Saturday, July 27, 2019

Catch UP

July 27, 2029

Tilly's RV Park
Rochester, MN

It's been so long since I wrote a new post but I will try to do a quick update on our travels.

Houston, Texas was our next stop after the Corpus Christie area.  What we remember most about Houston was the awful traffic jams and the near constant rain.  We did manage to make it to the Space Center Houston for our science quota for the week.

Troy in his space get up.

This is a moon SUV.

We are waiting for lift off.

After leaving Houston we drove north to visit my youngest sister just south of Ft. Worth.  

We did the tourist thing and watched the "Cattle Drive" at the Ft. Worth Stock Yards.  The cattle looked almost as bored as the audience.  I think they have been around this block before.

Since it was half price day, Troy and I tried to navigate our way through Cowtown Cattle Pen Maze.

We tied for the best time of the day.  Of course, it was very early in the day.  

Our biggest adventure occurred during our tour of the Rangers baseball stadium. 

Building was well under way on the new stadium across the street. 

As our tour progressed I was wondering why they were building a new stadium. 

My questions were answered when we got stuck in an elevator with 10 people, no air conditioning or fans, high humidity and temps about 100.  It was a very uncomfortable half hour that felt more like an eternity when we realized we would have to wait for help from the outside.  Rescue finally arrived when two security guards on bicycles were able to get the elevator working again.

From Texas we made an unremarkable trip to Minnesota.

We have been in Rochester except for last Thursday and Friday when we took Troy and Thoran to Duluth for a ride on the Thomas the Steam Engine train.

Troy wasn't interested in Thomas but went along to help keep his 4 year old brother in line.

Percy, one of the many friends of Thomas, was also there.

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