Broken Wheel Campground
Petersburg, New York
There was a large piece of metal covering a very weak spot in the one lane bridge deck and the bridge supports were resting entirely on large sand bags.
We couldn't pass by a national park without stopping to learn about the many important battles fought in this area during the Revolutionary War.
One of the fortified areas overlooking the Hudson River.
At the Saratoga Monument we decided not to climb the entire 188 steps, but just go up one flight of stairs to see the view from the windows. Fooled again! Large sculptures outside the windows blocked the view on the first level. We ended up having to climb three stories to get to a window with an unobstructed view.
Unfortunately Dave's mission while we were in this area was to tour the USS Slater. In my opinion the only thing worse would be another car or aircraft museum.
We did have a very good tour guide and a small group - just us and a young man visiting from Poland.
To balance the day out, I picked the National Bottle Museum thinking that would be as boring to Dave as the ship was to me. Dave won again - the bottle museum was closed when we arrived.
Another day while we were here, we stopped at the Hancock Shaker Village. We both found this site to be very interesting. We did the "Attics & Basements Tour" and were lucky enough have a great tour guide and to be the only ones on this tour. We really enjoyed seeing all the areas marked "Staff Only" while learning about the Shaker lifestyle.
Love this round dairy barn complete with a basement and center hay loft.
Dave got to try out some planes at the work bench.
He looked a little unconventional at the shaving horse in his camo shorts.
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